When it comes to setting yourself apart from the competition, it’s important to begin with how you are perceived. We’ve all heard the saying, “dress for the job you want and not the job you have.” This sentiment rings true in so many ways, including how customers perceive your business.

Are you more likely to buy a car being sold by someone in a suit and tie or someone in sweatpants and a tank top? Unless you’re searching the internet ads for a deal, it’s a safe bet the suit and tie salesperson wins out.

The same is true when dealing with correspondence between customers and your business. Take a look at your current mailings. Now, pretend you are a customer receiving an invoice, statement, bill, notice, or direct mail. How would you react? Is someone more likely to take you seriously if your correspondence reflects professionalism? The answer is a resounding yes! No matter your business, it’s important that you look the part in all facets – not just how you’re dressed.

Customer communication can often be the only chance for a first impression when acquiring new clients and it can be the lasting impression when trying to retain existing clients.

Customer Communication

Customer communication has come a long way through the years. What was once just simple paper, envelopes, and stamps, has quickly become a maze of font, sizing, colors, and all sorts of options. With the world of correspondence trending more and more digitally, you are finding yourself lost in a sea of never-ending options. Yet, with all these advancements, print and mailing is still the king of the castle. In a paperless world, most customers still prefer to receive their statements via the postal service.

What are some examples of customer communication and in what industries is printing and mailing important? Just about any business can utilize sleek, professional correspondence in which to communicate. Be it monthly statements, notices for special offers, loyalty coupons, or changes in terms of service, the aforementioned examples can be applied across all industries.

For a more detailed example, consider those of you that deal in the medical field – such as urgent clinics, regional hospitals, or even chiropractors, massage therapists, physical therapists, and holistic healers. Common practice is to offer statements and invoices to your patients – particularly when a third-party is involved, such as insurance companies, workers’ comp claims, or others.

If you are a property owner and offer rental units or manage properties like condominiums, apartments, or mobile home parks, or if you are a representative for POA and HOA organizations, you can benefit greatly when utilizing a reputable printing and mailing service. Your tenants or homeowners or renters will need to be made aware of routine maintenance scheduling, pest control, landscaping services, street cleaning, and more. They will also need to be kept informed of any new policies or changes in existing policies. Most importantly, they will need to know exactly when and how much is owed for fees, dues, rent, and be made aware of time-sensitive issues like late payments.

A printing and mailing service can take the stress out of this process by taking advantage of the fact that they have the procedures, tools, and experience at their disposal to ensure your customers, clients, and tenants have no cause to not hold up their end of any arrangements due to a breakdown in communication.

Get Paid Faster

Speaking of communication, by partnering with a printing and mailing service you erase miscommunication with proper and professional invoicing. This means you get paid faster! Sending bills on time gets you paid on time and a printing and mailing service can appreciate that more than most companies.

Raise Your Credibility With Printing And Mailing ServicesAs a business owner, you are trying to capture the elusive “net 30” when it comes to payments. This means that, after invoicing your customers, you expect payment in no more than 30 days. A common pitfall among those of us that run businesses, is that – like it or not – we end up being more reactive than we like. For instance, other than following our best-laid plains and sending out invoices in a timely manner, we find ourselves “putting out fires” like broken equipment, a sick employee, or a customer concern. Next thing you know, those stacks of invoices you meant to send out two weeks ago are still sitting on your desk. This knocks off two weeks of the “net 30” magic number. Or, an even more unfortunate example is that you do not even bill out until the company coffers start getting low. That bank alert reminds you that you, yourself, are owed for goods and services. Guess what? Your customer hasn’t even received the invoice needed to get you paid. Now, if you’re lucky, another 30 days go by before you get paid.

When you turn this process over to a quality printing and mailing service, your customers receive invoices on time. And, best of all, they look professional and encourage a level of response that you just cannot get by sending out an invoice generated from a consumer desktop printer.

You might ask yourself, “isn’t it expensive?” That is a good question and, unfortunately, a common misconception among business owners. In fact, it is far cheaper than doing it yourself due to a printing and mailing service providing efficient and concise operating procedures, bulk discount savings on paper/envelope purchases that are passed on to you, the proper equipment needed to produce your correspondence quickly, and deep discounts in postage. For you, that means that you do not have to fold paper, stuff envelopes, and lick stamps – nor do you need to take away an employee from a revenue-generating role to do it, either.

Direct Mail Campaign

When people think of a printing and mailing service, they are often focused on direct mail, or “junk mail.” If you own a mailbox, chances are you receive multiple pieces a day. You might not like it but, the fact of the matter is, it works.

Think about it. If one out of 100 pieces of direct mail correspondence results in a new customer, it has paid for itself over and over again. And, depending on the business, the return on investment could be exponential.

If you are looking to raise awareness of your brand, you have to let people know. Aside from screaming your company’s services from the rooftop, how else can you get people to take notice? You might be thinking, “the internet, dummy.” Fair point… but how? How much do you plan on spending via social media? What is your demographic? What platforms will you be targeting?

You are already aware the internet is a place of unimaginable size and scope. Are you a local business? Why do you need to reach across the globe? Across the country? Or even across the state? Odds are, you don’t. This is where a tasteful direct mail campaign comes into play.

We all have the internet, but we do not all go to the same websites. And, even if we all go to Facebook, we may not see an ad for your business. What all of your prospective customers have in common is that they all have a mailbox.

When prospective customers receive tactile and tangible items like an attractive postcard, letterhead, or the like, they will read it. If it is tasteful, attractive, and offers a good or service of substance, it will be noticed.

It is easy to swipe left on an email, mark it as spam, or one-click unsubscribe. But, in order to get rid of your piece of direct mail, the soon-to-be customer has to hold it in their hands, read it, and then make the decision and effort to throw it away (or hopefully recycle it). That is a business tactic that has stood the test of time and, when used in conjunction with a smart digital campaign, guarantees new eyes are set on your presence in your community.

Towne Mailer

We recognize that you do have choices when it comes to finding a printing and mailing service that is right for you and your business. Towne Mailer is proud to consider a printing and mailing service that stands tall above the competition.

With over two decades of collective experience, we have the process you need down to a science. Best of all, we will give you an unparalleled level of customer service that the competition cannot. How? Because we are a small, family business based out of the sleepy mountain town of Missoula, Montana. Our products and services, on the other hand, reveal a level of professionalism that exceeds the web conglomerate you might be considering.

We take a personalized approach to every client and customize our statement and invoice printing services accordingly. Our extensive experience with a wide variety of data formats means we can usually offer the exact statement mailing services you’re looking for.

When you call us, a real person will pick up the phone. We welcome the opportunity to show you how we can be of service. Reach out today!

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