As a business that specializes in mailing letters, statements, invoices, and bills, it’s no surprise that we make a lot of deliveries to the local post office. Isn’t it amazing that you can drop a letter in a mailbox, and it can whirl around the world and be delivered to a specific place in a matter of days? Below, we’ve collected some of our favorite facts about the United States Postal Service (USPS)– get ready for post office trivia!

  • The USPS delivers mail to 155 million addresses across the country as well as throughout our territories.
  • The United States post office operates almost 215,000 vehicles in order to deliver the mail–which is one of the largest civilian fleets in the entire world. The vehicles drive about 1.2 billion miles each year.
  • The most common street address that the post office delivers to is Main Street.
  • The largest post office is the James A. Farley Post Office located in New York City. It is 393,000 square feet in size. The smallest post office is in Ochopee, Florida and is only 61.3 square feet in size.
  • The post office employs 7.5 million people around the country.
  • The United States Postal Service processes about 40 percent of all of the world’s mail.
  • The post office in Peach Springs, Arizona delivers much of its mail by mule train to people who are residing at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. The office has walk-in freezers to store food that has been delivered there.
  • The most common post office name is Clinton, followed by Madison, Franklin, Washington, and Chester.
  • Along the Magnolia River in Alabama, a 17-foot mail boat delivers mail to 180 dock-side mailboxes each day.
  • The post office processes about 6,400 pieces of mail each second!
  • The Oldest post office building in the country that has been continuously in operation is located in Hinsdale, New Hampshire. It has been open since 1816.
  • In 2015, the post office delivered about 155 billion pieces of mail!
  • The lowest post office in the country is located in Death Valley–about 282 feet below sea level. The Death Valley post office is also the hottest.
  • Because of the New Deal Program during the Roosevelt administration, post offices around the country house over 1,400 murals and sculptures made by American artists.
  • The United States Postal Services doesn’t receive a single tax dollar to help with operations.

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