Whether you sit down at a desk to pay your mortgage or car insurance, or whether you are processing hundreds of invoices to send to clients, one thing is certain. No one enjoys the process. When you even think about it, it probably brings up a certain amount of anxiety. It is one thing to dread having to write your own personal checks to pay debts, but it is a far more significant burden to be in charge of handling customer receivables monthly by sending out invoices, statements, bills and reminders for them to pay. The responsibility is huge for those who print and mail these invoices to relieve those debts from the company by asking the client to perform. That kind of stress can really affect the morale of your staff!

A business owner and his or her employees should not have to suffer feeling either like an Oliver Twist with his begging bowl asking “Please, sir, may I have more?” or like Joe Pesci in Good Fellas trying “the hard way” to collect a debt from a client in a back alley office. So, how can you change this relationship to feel that it is both manageable and equitable for you, your employees, and your clients? How can you relieve stress, build a stronger, healthier team, and reach your fullest potential in your business venture? One way is by outsourcing your billing, printing, and mailing is to a third-party company like Towne Mailer.

Relieve Your Stress By Outsourcing Your Billing

Let’s imagine a typical company’s invoicing and billing, preparation and mailing processing. Client invoices are generated daily through the purchase of goods and services, and constant accounting and maintenance are required to handle all of this data. On top of that, storage of all the necessary paper, copy machines, printers, envelopes, stamps or postage machines, ink, and the subsequent maintenance of all that inventory can overfill storerooms, pile up on employees’ desks, and generally clog computers throughout the office. Before you know it, you’re drowning in a sea of sticky notes, wading through confusing stacks of unfiltered paper, suffering through the backlash from missed phone calls, and generally falling behind in finalizing invoices, which results in past-due bills and mounting expenses.

While that may all sound highly dramatic or hyperbolized, the stress of clutter and chaos can happen to even the best organization. Employees who have to prepare all of those statements spend hours of their workweek trying to manage all of it, and in the process, they spend less and less time being creative and innovative at their jobs. While they deal with mounting menial tasks like printing, folding, stuffing envelopes, and mailing these company invoices, job satisfaction declines, and the entire organization suffers. If you run a medical office, there are also insurance claims, deductibles, and constant regulation changes to keep abreast of every year. How can any staff be expected to perform all of these duties without sacrificing degradation in quality standards?

If you have a thriving business, you can bet you’ll spend a large majority of your time with mundane tasks such as these, which by definition causes stress and anxiety. Why wouldn’t you want to outsource these menial, yet vital tasks to a dedicated company who specializes in such work?

Towne Mailer is the right solution to relieve that stress from your workplace. Using a reputable bill printing and mailing service, like Towne Mailer, streamlines your billing and mailing services, relieves your staff of the burden of stress, and creates a professional relationship with your clients that lowers anxiety and uncertainty at every level of the billing process. And Towne Mailer guarantees these types of benefits when you partner with us.

How Does The Process Work?

Towne Mailer works seamlessly with your accounting practices. Once your invoices are created, all you have to do it upload your data to our state-of-the-art automated service, and we handle everything from there. No more mundane printing, folding, stuffing, sorting, stamping, and mailing for you, my friend. You’re on your way to opening up real-time for real creativity and potential! And the process is fast, simple, and reliable.

You can even set up re-occurring invoices and mail using our system. And that means that follow-up correspondence happens automatically, keeping your billing both timely and organized. That streamlined process relieves stress from your employees and your clients as they can rely on regular billing and mailings to arrive on time and containing correct, up-to-date information. Why wouldn’t you want to save time and money by using a billing, printing and mailing service like Towne Mailer?

How Does This Process Save You Time And Money?

When you outsource your business billing, mailing, and printing with a top-notch service like Towne Mailer, your workweek is opened up for creativity, positive upgrades to your workflow, and time-saving opportunities. And let’s face it. Time is money. Time is a valuable resource that has driven technology to constantly evolve to change how we do things so that we can enjoy more life. Time is the blood of life. Imagine how your company might benefit from more time, more savings, and more life!

Bills, Glorious Bills? Outsource Your Bill ProcessingJust review for a moment how much time your staff spends on composing, preparing, printing, and mailing invoices. If it takes one employee one to three minutes to handle one piece of mail or to print one document, and you have hundreds or thousands of client accounts requiring correspondence, you’ll find that much of your staff’s time is spent in handling these time-consuming tasks. Too much time and money are literally wasted by trying to handle this one aspect of your business.

Since companies such as Towne Mailer specialize in this exact process, you can rest easy knowing that by making a small output of money by outsourcing your billing, printing, and mailing services, you get so much time back in your workweek to focus on what you can do to expand, invent, create, and enjoy the focus of your business. Our business is the business of helping you achieve that goal. And we are singularly focused on relieving that burden for you so that you can truly make strides in evolving your company to be the best it can be on your business journey. What makes Towne Mailer so special, you might ask?

What Makes Towne Mailer The Best Choice?

At Towne Mailer, we pride ourselves on being a seriously service-oriented company with one goal in mind: to save you time and money by handling business invoicing, printing, and mailing. That’s it. We specialize in something that we truly believe can be of benefit to our clients. When you partner with us, you’ll notice right away from our expert attention to detail, our courteous and knowledgeable staff, and our firm commitment to perfection in every phase of the work. Efficiency, ease of use, excellent communication every step of the way . . . these are things at the top of our ‘to-do’ list! And we like to reach our goals of superior service, so we really give it our best!

We practice fairness in all of our business practices and no job is too large or small for us to handle. No matter the size of the company or job, we offer attentive care to fulfill your needs. The best and most common feedback we hear about our services is that we relieve stress for those who take the leap of faith and connect with us. Once the leap is taken, you’ll notice how much freedom you will have to get back to business and leave this big job to the professionals who make it their life’s work to serve in this way. Are you ready to take the leap of faith? It starts with a simple phone call or email.

Who Is Towne Mailer?

Towne Mailer is located in Missoula, Montana and proudly hires workers in the United States, contributing to the growing number of American families who live here. Though we started out quite small and focused on local businesses, we have quickly grown into our 7,000 square foot warehouse as we continue to expand. With more than twenty years of service experience in the printing and mailing business, we now serve everything from local mom and pop businesses to national companies. Our clients trust us to provide the highest possible service in the industry. Why shouldn’t you?

Our professional, highly trained staff meticulously inspects every document for quality, presentation, layout, and accuracy. We carefully process each and every piece of information and we communicate skillfully at each and every step of the process. That is our promise to you.

Reach out to us and let’s have a chat about your project and needs. Don’t spend another minute feeling like you have to beg for your clients to pay invoices. Don’t waste another week stressing about the mounting minutia. Let us relieve your stress with Towne Mailer. Perhaps only then will you be able to exclaim “Bills, Glorious Bills!”

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