Working with a professional print and mail provider has the potential to open up new and innovative opportunities for your business. By partnering with an expert, you gain fresh, untapped resources and expertise. You’ll refine your processes, reduce your workload, and get things in the mail with less stress.

Your printing professional has a lot to offer your organization, which is why you want to maximize the relationship. When you outsource printing and mailing services, you add an expert to your team. This service brings specialized and refined expertise to the table and can offer you a unique perspective and creative solutions. As a business professional, you want to utilize this partnership to its full potential.

As with any relationship, you get what you put into it. Collaboration can be tricky, but with the right approach, you will be equipped for success from the start. Your print company will provide you with an invaluable service, so follow these tips to ensure you are taking full advantage of the capabilities they bring to your organization.

1. Commit to Learn

Print and mail is a unique specialty that requires extensive knowledge and experience to do well. Your print and mail company will take many steps that you never even know about to ensure they complete your project with excellence. They will work behind the scenes to execute the details that will set your company apart and stand out from in-house operations. However, there are certain aspects of print and mail that are beneficial to learn more about. Understanding the process will allow you to collaborate more efficiently and have the knowledge to tailor your experience to your needs.

A successful collaboration begins with a commitment to learn. Your print and mail service will learn about you, your mission, goals, and plans. In return, you have the opportunity to learn some basics about the print business. Understanding the basics of production, materials, and capabilities will make your collaboration more effective.

A good print and mail service will educate you along the way and help you understand your options. Paying attention and retaining this knowledge will set you on an easier path to success in future projects.

A key piece of this learning is understanding exactly what printing and mailing services can and can’t do for you. By knowing what is possible, you can avoid the frustration when your project needs to be adjusted in order to be executed. Additionally, you may learn about options that never even crossed your mind. Knowledge is power, and learning about how print and mail can transform your business opens up opportunities to explore new avenues of growth.

2. Define Roles

Clear expectations will set the tone for the working relationship moving forward. From the start, establish an understanding of what part of the project you are responsible for and when your print expert steps in to handle things. Having these conversations and setting expectations up front will help avoid confusion and misunderstandings.

Print and mail projects involve both parties. The specifics of your project will determine exactly how involved you need to be. While some projects may simply require a data transfer and very little back-and-forth, others may require frequent communication to fully develop a concept. Both of these are okay and expected, but it’s helpful to know what type of project you are working with.

Have conversations with your print professional at the conceptual level. If you have questions about the level of involvement, don’t be afraid to have a conversation that will set the expectation upfront. When everyone knows what their role entails, a project flows much smoother.

3. Communicate Your Vision and Allow Them to Execute

Collaboration is rooted in effective communication. A service can only work with the information that they are provided. It is up to you to ensure you have clearly communicated everything your print and mail service partner needs to know about you.

Communicate your goals, your budget, and any other specifics that are important to you. Set deadlines, define roles, and tell them how involved you’d like to be in projects. The more information they have, the more they can tailor your project to your desires.

Once you have successfully communicated, you can step back and let the print and mail service handle the rest. Successful collaboration happens when both parties know what they can bring to the table and when they can back off and let the other handle it. Finding this balance may take time, and the longer you work with a print and mail service, the more trust you will have that they will execute your vision. Developing a collaborative relationship takes time and requires developing trust.

By partnering with a professional print and mail service, you are opening your business up to a world of potential. From marketing capabilities to streamlining your billing practices, an expert in this field has a lot they can contribute to your company.


3 Tips for a Successful Print and Mail Collaboration


Working with a professional print and mail provider can open up new opportunities for your business. With the right approach, you’ll be set up for success. Follow the tips in the infographic to take full advantage of their capabilities.

3 Print and Mail Collaboration Tips Infographic