Why Direct Mail is Better Than Email

Direct mail has several advantages over email. Compared to email, it has a higher response rate and avoids getting buried in spam folders. The benefits of direct mail marketing are also numerous and will be discussed in this article. Listed below are just a few of the advantages of direct mail marketing. They include Higher response rates, Unique packaging options, and longer shelf life. Read on to learn why direct mail is better than email.

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Why Direct Mail Is Better Than E-mail?

The response rate for direct mail is higher than for email

Direct mail is still a great way to reach potential customers. It has the highest response rate compared to other advertising channels. It is estimated that as much as five to nine times is higher than that of email. Direct mail can be more effective when it is sent to a prospect list since adding the name of a potential customer increases the response rate by 135%. It is also more enticing to consumers, and over 62% of those who responded to direct mail purchased within three months.
Studies show that direct mail leaves a better impression on consumers than email. For example, 75% of consumers can recall a brand from direct mail compared to only 44% after viewing a digital ad. Additionally, direct mail requires only 21% less cognitive effort than email. People tend to remember a brand better after receiving direct mail, according to Marketing Profs. In addition, direct mail is also more likely to be opened by people compared to email.

Direct mail avoids being sent to spam

To avoid being marked as spam, make sure your emails have an email address. Most people prefer receiving emails from people they know, so make sure you use a personal email address if you can. Spam regulations have become increasingly strict, so be sure to include an address with a physical street address. Remember, 45% of email recipients will mark an email as spam based on its ‘from’ field, so make sure to keep this in mind.
Consider using a mailing list when sending out direct mail. Not only will this help you plan the timing of your mail, but it will also allow you to understand what your audience wants. Personalization will help capture the recipient’s attention and encourage them to open the mail. Also, make sure you use post-it notes to address direct mail. Using a mailing list will make it more likely that recipients will open your direct mail, and will be more likely to take the action you want them to take.

Unique packaging options

Whether you’re sending out a catalog, postcard, or sales letter, unique packaging options can enhance your message. Today, only 15% of Americans check their email or surf the internet. Direct mail, which can be delivered through the mail, has an even shorter attention span than most forms of marketing. By using unique packaging options for your direct mail marketing campaign, you can enhance your message’s impact and make it more attractive to the customer.

Longer lifespan

While email campaigns are popular, direct mail still has an advantage over them. For starters, most people will delete an email within a few seconds, but most people will retain a direct mail piece for up to 17 days. That means that potential customers will have a couple of weeks to look at the piece and decide whether to make a purchase. Direct mail also has the added benefit of being tailored to fit your specific business and audience.
While email campaigns and social media campaigns may be able to reach a wider audience, direct mail has a higher ROI. An email has a median ROI of two percent, while direct mail has a median ROI of 29%. Additionally, direct mail is more personal – consumers are more likely to remember a brand after receiving it. Direct mail is also easier to remember than email. It also reaches more people in the household. As a result, it has a longer lifespan and greater impact on consumers.