What Was Direct Mail and Junk Mail? 

There is a difference between direct mail and junk mail. Direct mail refers to advertising that reaches a person through the mail. Other names for direct mail include junk mail, mailshot, admail, and letterbox drop. These types of mail are very effective at delivering information and generating a sense of urgency in recipients. In this article, we’ll take a look at the differences between direct mail and junk mail, and discuss the importance of personalizing direct marketing.

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Direct Mail and Junk Mail

Business postcards are an example of a direct mail marketing 

One of the best forms of direct mail is through business postcards. They are short and to the point, which makes them a good choice for this type of marketing. Moreover, postcards can help boost response rates and influence consumer behavior. The special offer on the postcard should be enticing and motivate prospects to take immediate action. Ideally, the offer should be presented on both sides of the postcard. If your company provides dental services, you can also frame more than one special offer in the postcard. One can present several special offers and frame them as coupons to give your prospects more reasons to contact you. 

When it comes to color, it is best to use contrasting colors. Blue, for example, is associated with medical fields and reflects responsibility and cleanliness. Therefore, a postcard in blue is unlikely to capture prospects’ attention. Instead, use contrasting colors or use clashing colors to grab prospects’ attention. A postcard with blue and pink on it will only get thrown in the recycling bin if it is sent to prospects who don’t need dental services. 

Postcards are cost-effective 

A postcard marketing campaign can cost as little as $1,150 if you have a mailing list with 1000 addresses. You will also need to spend around $300 on postcard printing and postage, and an additional $350 on shipping, which brings the overall cost to around $1,150. Nevertheless, postcards are a good choice for direct mail campaigns because they are inexpensive, yet still effective. Below is a breakdown of how postcards are cost-effective for direct mail. 

The first thing to consider is the postage cost. Since postcards must be mailed in a specific envelope, they should be mailed in first-class mail. While the cheapest method is the standard letter mail, you may want to consider the cheaper Marketing Mail option. First-class postcards, on the other hand, can cost as much as $0.35 each. In addition, first-class postcards are more likely to get returned if the recipient changes their address. However, keep in mind that if you send out a large number of postcards, the cost of printing may be more than justified. 

Easy to personalize 

The easiest way to improve the response rate from your direct mail campaign is to make it as personalized as possible. The first step is to personalize the text in the piece with the name of the recipient. Next, you can use customer data to optimize your offer, including price and time limits. By incorporating these elements into your direct mail piece, you can increase response rates by more than 10%. If you’re not sure where to begin, here are some tips. 

One of the easiest ways to personalize your direct mail is to use online tools. This way, you can automatically create direct mail based on the customer’s behavior online. Many marketers have found that this method can lead to a higher response rate than they originally anticipated. For instance, a personalized offer will prompt a consumer to take action if it’s tailored to them specifically. This type of personalization increases interest in the piece nearly twofold. 

Create a sense of urgency 

A good way to generate leads with direct mail is to use the notion of urgency to encourage customers to act quickly. A sense of urgency is an old marketing trick that works well for businesses. Reminding customers that there is only a limited time left to purchase, encourages them to act. While some cynics say this tactic is nothing more than a psychological ploy, others say that this strategy works. After all, touchpoints between businesses and clients are rare, so creating a sense of urgency helps people make decisions. 

When done correctly, a sense of urgency can trigger purchases from instinct-based or regular buyers alike. One of the most powerful triggers for this psychological effect is perceived scarcity. A study conducted in 2016 revealed that consumers felt compelled to purchase an item if it was perceived to be in short supply. People tend to value items that are perceived to be in short supply more than those that are in plentiful supply.