Email took the world by storm in the 1990s. The world was blown away by how quickly they could communicate without ever picking up the phone. Written communication that used to take days to reach its target suddenly takes a fraction of a second. People would read every single thing that hit their inboxes. In the magical days before retail distribution lists, people opened their inboxes in delight, wondering what might await them. Would they hear the magic words, “You’ve got mail?”

And while email is still a modern marvel, it isn’t what it once was. Today, when you send an email, there is no guarantee anyone will even open it. Inboxes have become flooded with junk and spam, devaluing the power of an email.

The tides have shifted. While email is still a valuable tool for many reasons, it’s hard to stand out in an email inbox. Mail has become, once again, the most surefire way to capture someone’s attention. And complete mailing services make it really easy.

Reasons That Physical Mail Still Makes Sense

There are a million reasons that people and businesses have found mail to still be a powerful tool. The tangible nature of mail, the ability to personalize a message, and the thoughtful nature of a letter are all reasons people have found themselves turning back to traditional mail. When it comes to your business correspondence, there are some obvious advantages to investing in direct or utilizing bulk mail rates instead of email campaigns.

  • People Will See It. On average, only 37% of emails are ever even opened. When you send an email campaign, the vast majority get deleted or moved to a junk account. As a result, many of your target customers don’t even see what you sent.
    While it’s tricker to track physical mail, we know that 98% of people walk to their mailbox every day to see what is inside. A whopping 77% of those go through and sort through their mail immediately. What this tells us is that people see mail. While sending things via the USPS costs more than email, it packs a bigger punch.
  • It’s Less Saturated. Email has become out of control. Most people are completely overwhelmed by the state of their inboxes. They see hundreds of emails a day, most of it junk. Unsubscribing from irrelevant content never seems to make a dent. Some people stop checking their email altogether. Others throw in the towel and create a new email address. While many try to keep up, they only see a fraction of what they receive. For marketing professionals, this means the chances of someone opening your email are slim.
    Mail, on the other hand, is a delightfully refreshing experience. Sure, people get junk mail, but it’s not nearly as overwhelming. Every day, people open their boxes in hopes of something personal. Something meant for just them. It’s manageable, it’s exciting. And while there may be a handful of things competing for attention, it is nothing compared to the thousands of emails someone gets in a day.
  • It Gets Attention. When someone walks to their mailbox, opens it up, and pulls out your mail, it gets their attention. Whether they interact with it for seconds or minutes, they hold it in their hands and look at what you sent. Everyone on your distribution list will touch your mail, be reminded of your brand, and hopefully form a connection to your business.
    You can design mail to be eye-catching and intriguing. You can choose materials that reflect the image you are trying to project. You can use powerful and intentional words to make an impression. The beauty of mail is that it gets someone’s attention.
  • It’s Personal. Mail can be custom tailored to be as personal as you want. Not only can you filter your distribution list by demographic, but you can also use technology to include personal details, even in a mass-distributed letter. These small touches connect with people. And in marketing, every touch point is valuable.
    By using mail thoughtfully, you can send a message to your customer base that speaks to who you are and why people should consider your business. You can even tweak your message to connect with different crowds. The personal connection that is possible because of mail will never exist with email.And if you really want to get someone’s attention, send them something handwritten. People will remember it. Take the time to write down some quick thoughts, scribble a note of thanks, or send along some important information. Handwritten correspondence has become so rare that it is guaranteed to make a lasting impression.

Email has a place. It helps businesses function. It is an essential tool to shoot a quick note to a colleague for a quick answer to your question or nail down important details about an upcoming meeting. But if your goal is to make a lasting impact, do something different, and reach out to a large number of customers, send something in the mail.


The Great Debate: Email or Mail


Mail remains a powerful tool for individuals and businesses due to its physical nature, message personalization, and thoughtful gesture. Check out this infographic for the four advantages of physical mail.

4 Physical Mail Advantages Infographic