Making a bold statement in life is easy when we are talking about posting a new duck-faced selfie on social media. But that becomes much harder when your business relies on sending reliable, trustworthy invoices and statements to all of your clients. What are you saying with your statements now? Is it more of “the mullet is the next best haircut for me” variety or is it closer to the “power-suit” style to dazzle your clients? Let’s talk about how your printing and mailing of statements affect your reputation in the world of business.

Communication between your business and your clients is one of the most important aspects of your effectiveness in the business community. It forms the foundation for lifelong business relationships. In every relationship from a marriage to a business partnership, skillful communication can make or break that relationship. Misunderstandings happen so easily, so great time and effort should be made to ensure smooth and healthy communication between your business and your clients.

Sloppy, incorrect, unprofessional monthly, quarterly, or annual statements can ruin a company’s reputation, so it is of vital importance that you know when it’s appropriate for that overdue mullet or that simple change of clothing. Towne Mailer is your power-suit. Try it on for size!

What Are You Saying With That Statement?

Almost every type of business from banking to credit cards, medical offices to retirement accounts rely on regular statements to communicate with clients. Right now as you read, millions of employees are engaged in the process of creating, reviewing, printing and mailing statements to customers. Statements can be as simple as account summaries or as complicated as tax forms and protocols. Regardless of their complexities, clear and succinct statements are a must for ensuring effective communication for any organization with its members or customers.

Imagine an office filled with creative, energetic, dynamic team members frittering away their energies by composing, printing, folding, and stuffing envelopes as one of their core job duties. Visualize their cluttered desks, their overflowing inboxes, and their phones and computers littered with sticky notes and random pieces of paper. Imagine how their minds might feel: equally cluttered and littered with disorganization. Now think about how you might feel working in that kind of chaos.

Who are these people? They are your trusted staff members who long for an outlet, which relies on their vast skills and creative forces to thrive. And how do they spend their time? Doing menial, repetitive tasks that are boring at best, and soul-crushing at worst. Instead of striving for excellence, your employees soon begin to slip into the Peter Principle, where they rise to their highest level of respective incompetence due to boredom, lack of challenge, or emotional investment in rising above their own work-related despondence. This can be a serious problem for companies who overwork their employees with unchallenging, mundane job duties.

When you outsource by partnering with a professional, printing and mailing company, such as Towne Mailer, it’s like giving your entire staff a morale boost. No longer do they spend days upon days like Tom Hanks in Joe Versus the Volcano sitting in dank offices doing mind-numbing work, which is quite beneath their skill levels. No more do they call in sick, or watch the clock waiting for their lunch breaks or end of workday after the boring job of processing statements and invoices is complete. Instead, they are free to create, innovate, and invigorate your operation with verve and imagination. When you outsource with Towne Mailer, the message you are sending to your employees is one of care, concern, and support. You allow them to grow. You challenge them to contribute. And that is the best statement you can make when you are trying to build an effective and collaborative team.

What Is Outsourcing Anyway?

Many people hear the term outsourcing in conjunction with political discussions about jobs being shipped overseas. Therefore, the misconception can be that outsourcing has a negative connotation or implication. However, in this case, Towne Mailer hires right here at home. When you partner with a company such as Towne Mailer for your statement printing and mailing, your money stays right here in America. We employ workers in the US and strive to put your dollars to work supporting American families.

Making The Right StatementOutsourcing is the wave of the future. More and more companies are choosing to outsource many aspects of their business practices. Outsourcing is simply a term used to describe the process of turning over parts of your business that can be done by others in a more efficient, cost-effective, streamlined manner. As businesses become more specialized, they are relying on other more specialized businesses with which to partner, leaving more time for each respective business to focus on their own specialty. Simply put: Do what you do best – outsource the rest! Let us show you how!

Towne Mailer Makes Your Statement

Because healthy and timely communication is such a vital part of your business, well-managed statements educate your staff and clients alike. Though many people are moving to electronic statements, so many people report feeling left out, passed over, and overwhelmed by these constant electronic communications. There are sight-impaired individuals, elderly customers, or people in rural areas who can’t even receive Internet connections fast enough to download bulky emails in a timely manner.

Or even more people are turning away from high-tech as a lifestyle choice and prefer paper mail, old-fashioned record albums, and turntables, and walking and riding bikes instead of using mass transit or personal automobiles. The greeting card business is actually growing as people realize how much they missed getting handwritten Christmas cards instead of e-cards and gift checks. We’re not suggesting you handwrite your postcards to your clients! However, realize that so many people still prefer to receive professionally printed and mailed statements and invoices, which arrive by mail. Relying solely on e-statements is excluding a large percentage of your customers. That’s why we continue to print and mail your business statements, invoices, and bills.

Statements are the mainstay of your customer contact. It is the best way for your staff and clients to stay abreast of accounts and be able to communicate easily and effectively together, forming a collaborative relationship held together with these comprehensive communications. Statements that are sporadically sent, containing incorrect or sloppily formatted information, or filled with grammatically incorrect language can be devastating to your business. It is no surprise that your customers’ opinions of you are largely formed by your advertising and communication practices.

By contrast, professional, timely, well-written and formatted statements bring a holistic picture of your business and your customers’ relationship with you directly to their doorsteps. A proper statement can provide overviews, summaries, or supplemental advice to your clients and they rely on your skillful communication to keep them up to date with their accounts. When you choose to partner with a company such as Towne Mailer for your statement printing and mailing, you can offer the highest quality, most professional statements possible and build a trusting relationship with your clients, thereby instilling confidence in them in your company. Our promise to you is that we will help you every step of the way. Throughout the printing and mailing process, you’ll still be in charge of the tone, content, and communication, but we will ensure that everything else is handled in top-notch fashion. What better way to make a bold statement in your business than making your mailings the best they can be?

Now imagine an office filled with happy, energized staff members, a satisfied client of well-informed people, and a thriving business free of clutter, menial tasks, and drudgery. That is the statement Towne Mailer can help you to make. No more mullets for you, my friend. We are the power-suit you need to bring to your conference table.

Towne Mailer

Towne Mailer is a printing and mailing processing company located in Missoula, Montana supporting everything from local businesses to national companies to provide reliable printing and mailing services. With more than twenty years of experience, we proudly employ American workers to help you and your organization to reach your business goals. Though we began as a humble, local business, our warehouse has grown to 7000 square feet of a bustling, energetic company filled with people who have a singular focus in mind: supporting your success!

Towne Mailer is a highly service-oriented organization. From the customer service agents who answer the phones to the account specialists who work to fulfill the needs of our clients, we are committed to customer care and satisfaction. Our reputation precedes us and we strive to provide excellent communication and proficiency at every level of our service.

Give us a call or send us an email and let us start the simple process of showing you our true colors. We can assure you that you will be glad you did. We’re proud of our excellent services and practices and we hope you will be too! Let us help you make the right statement with your statements!

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