How do I Add Mailing Address to a Stripe Invoice?
You may have seen that a Stripe invoice will contain the customer’s mailing address. Whether you’re using Stripe Connect or the web-based Stripe Invoice Manager, you can include this information in the invoice. In addition, you can configure your invoices so that your customers can pay with one or more supported payment methods. You can also add a footer text block to your invoice, and generate a link to your Hosted Invoice Page.
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Create invoices for past Stripe charges
Using the Stripe API, you can create invoices for past Stripe charges. These invoices contain tax information and can be customized. You can also track the status of these invoices in your Dashboard. If a customer pays, Stripe will automatically reconcile the payment and mark it as paid.
Once you have created an invoice, you can duplicate it to make sure that it’s the correct invoice. Stripe will copy the information from the original, except for credit notes, deleted products, and tax rates. In addition, you can edit and customize invoices.
Configure invoices to allow payment with one or more supported payment methods
In the Payment Methods tab of Stripe’s admin panel, you can configure your invoices to allow payment with one or more of the supported payment methods. These settings can be set as defaults on new invoices, or you can choose payment methods on a per-invoice basis. You can also choose to display a list of allowed payment methods to your customers.
Once you’ve configured your Stripe invoices to allow payment with one or multiple supported payment methods, you’re ready to send them to your customers. To do so, you first need to enable the Successful Payments option in the Email settings for each customer. Once you’ve done this, you can associate an email address with the customer to receive receipts.
Add a footer text block
You can add a footer text block to Stripe invoices, much like the memo field on a regular invoice. This text block appears at the bottom of the invoice and is generally used to indicate legal or company information. This field can be set to default values on a template or can be customized on a per-invoice basis.
A footer text block can contain a message to your customers, such as a thank-you message. Simply enter it in the text box within the footer and hit save. Your footer text will appear below the barcode in the invoice. Advanced users can also edit the store and buyer information that is shown on the invoice. You can also edit the header color by selecting the Heading color from the palette, or entering a hex color. You can also choose to hide or show certain fields, such as the quality column.
Generate a link to Hosted Invoice Page
When you add a mailing address to a Stripe invoice, you can choose to generate a link to your Hosted Invoice Page. This will send your customers to your website to view and pay your invoice. You can also set a default due date and display a list of accepted payment methods. If you want to automate the payment process, you can set up automatic reminders.
You can also generate a link to your Hosted Invoice Page manually. This link will be placed in your invoice email and payment section. You can access it from the invoice template by clicking on the Payment tab. When editing your invoice, you can also click on the radio button next to Email invoice to customer with payment page link.
Edit paid invoices
You can edit paid Stripe invoices by adding the mailing address of your customers. You can do this on the Customer details page or in the invoice. When you edit an invoice, Stripe uses the language that you choose for localization purposes. You can also add a preference for the language on your invoice. You can also choose the preferred language when you create a new customer.
Using the API, you can view your current or upcoming invoice. The preview displays the base price of the invoice, pending invoice items, discounts, and the amount of existing customer credit. You can also add one-off items that will appear in the next invoice you create for the customer. In this way, you can apply discounts for a specific subscription.