Nobody wants to endure a breakup, even if it’s a professional one. Sometimes, it’s unavoidable. Even in the professional realm, relationships matter. And when it comes to your outsourced printing and mailing services provider, that relationship requires a high level of trust.

You expect top-notch customer service, unquestioned security and confidentiality, and timely delivery. If this isn’t your experience with your current service, you may be questioning a change. You deserve the best, and if you find yourself ready to shake things up and try something new, make sure you partner with someone exceptional.

At the root of it all, you need to outsource to a company that works hard for you because your mail is important. As you explore the possibility of switching providers, start by taking stock of what you want, what you need, and exactly what you have to gain.

Develop Reasonable Expectations for Your Print and Mail Provider

It is reasonable to have high expectations for mail service providers. You are counting on them to deliver a product that is critical to your company. Set baseline expectations that you can use to compare your current service against potential print and mail services. At a very minimum, a qualified company should guarantee these things:

  • Your projects will be completed accurately and on time
  • Partnership with a professional that you trust implicitly
  • Access to your mail expert with open avenues of communication
  • A collaborative relationship that encourages new and innovative ideas
  • A company that offers the latest technology and stays up-to-date with current trends

A print and mail service that can offer you these things is worth its weight in gold. If you aren’t confident your current provider offers you this level of confidence, it may be time to upgrade to a company that can offer you this and more.

Determine if a Change Is in Order

Once you know what you want, how do you know if that means it’s time to make the leap and partner with someone new? By answering a few questions, you will have a good idea of whether it’s time for an upgrade.

Can You Get What You Need With Your Current Service?

Can you salvage the relationship with your current print and mail professional? Is your frustration a result of poor communication or a misunderstanding? Would a conversation about your expectations lead to productive change?

Sometimes, an open and honest conversation can salvage a partnership. But sometimes, the problem is beyond repair, resulting in a compelling reason to explore other options.

What Will it Cost to Make a Change?

Change often comes at a cost (not just the monetary kind). Switching an outsourced task to a new provider can be inconvenient and disrupt routines. But what exactly will that look like in your scenario? And do the benefits outweigh the cost?

Longevity and the comfort of a familiar partnership matter. There is value in familiarity. However, an established relationship that continues to result in unmet expectations is a signal that change is due.

A partnership with someone who truly understands the intricacies of how you operate is incredibly valuable. Sometimes, it is worth building a relationship with a new provider because you have a lot to gain in the long run.

What Kind of Relationship Do You Want With Your Print and Mail Provider?

Print and mail companies differ in how they interact with their customers. This relationship is important, and different businesses often desire different styles of interaction with their print and mail professionals.

Do you prefer to hand off your projects completely? Is your style more collaborative? Do you want periodic updates? Do you prefer to keep communication strictly professional?

Knowing what you want allows you to analyze whether your current company can meet those expectations. If you determine that there may be a better fit out there for you, it will help you as you interview new services.

Can You Get What You Want Somewhere Else?

If your print and mail service isn’t meeting your expectations, it’s time to figure out how to get what you need.

It’s always wise to first evaluate whether a change can get you the service you are asking for. Technology or production limitations sometimes mean that your project or timeline simply can’t be achieved anywhere. But sometimes, getting what you want is as simple as changing services.

Navigate Change

Change is always complex, and the same is true with changing print and mail services. While you may have found a groove and become familiar with your current service, a change may be worth it if they are no longer meeting your needs.

The mark of a great print and mail company is that they will help make the switch as smooth as possible. They will ensure you have the tools you need to navigate their process and teach you the ins and outs of how they work.

After weighing the pros and cons of switching up your print and mail partnership, you may determine you are ready to try someone new. Towne Mailer is ready to meet your expectations, offer a smooth transition, and earn your trust as a reliable and trustworthy print and mail service.


Are you Ready To Upgrade Your Print and Mail Partnership?