You have worked countless hours, invested your savings, and taken unimaginable risks to create your business. You have poured yourself entirely into creating a product or service that people will love and from which you can build a lucrative business. You have all the foundations of a thriving business. How do you let people know about this incredible thing that you have created? By mail.

Your next challenge is developing your brand into something people recognize and identify with. Brand recognition is what will take your business to the next level, and a mass mailing service can help. There are distinct advantages to utilizing mass mail services to spread the word about your brand.

You are proud of what you have done, and it is time for the world to see it. And even in the golden age of internet marketing, you need to tap into the tangible side of marketing. Utilizing print mail services in conjunction with your digital marketing plan will give you well-rounded results and excellent exposure.

1. Added Touchpoint

Brand awareness comes with repeat exposure over a variety of avenues. Even if someone has seen you online, receiving marketing in the mail gives you yet another opportunity to remind them about who you are. Well-executed mass mail will lead someone back to your website to browse your offerings. This touchpoint is one that simply cannot be done digitally.

2. It’s Physical

There is magic in holding something in your hands. While the world moves everything online, the ability to physically touch something stands out. Being able to hold something in your hands hits differently and makes an impact. In addition, physical mail has a chance at sticking around for a while. When you send mail to your audience, your brand will be etched in their minds for a long time.

3. Unmatched Versatility

There are so many things that you can do with mail. Whether you send postcards, letters, fliers, advertisements, special promotions, newsletters, promotional items, or catalogs, mail presents countless opportunities to share your brand. A mass mail campaign can be whatever you want it to be. Whether you choose something elaborate or something simple, mail can say whatever you want it to say about you. You just need to utilize it.

4. Great ROI

Compared to other marketing methods, direct mail has a great ROI. This means that your advertising dollars work harder for you when you send it through the mail. Considering that mail is a cost-effective way to reach your customers, it creates the perfect opportunity to expand your reach and use your branding to draw in new customers.

5. Trackable

When you send offers and promotions through the mail, it offers the perfect opportunity to see how successfully you reach your audience. When you track promotional codes, you’ll have a good idea of exactly how your brand appeals to the people you sent it to. You’ll know whether or not you are hitting your target based on responses to your direct mail promotions. This insight gives you a unique opportunity to edit your message for greater appeal.

6. Completely Customizable

Mail can be customized and personalized to enhance appeal. Use people’s names and what you know about them to make yourself memorable. As time marches on and your company makes advances, you can utilize the power of mail to maintain and grow your customer base. Customization allows you to evolve and remind people about why they love you in a way that feels personal. When you really want people to remember your brand, customize your mail.

7. Targeted

As a marketing professional, mail offers a fantastic opportunity to narrow your mailing lists to precisely the people you want to reach. You can quickly and easily sort your mailing lists by income, age, region, or other demographics. This ensures that your advertising dollars are well spent and your message reaches the people who would benefit the most from it.

8. Fast

When you work with a quality print and mail service, you can get your marketing to people’s homes in a matter of days. Professional mail companies have the technology, manpower, and experience to execute your job and hand it off to the post office in record time. This gives you room to work on the fly and make ideas come to life without a huge lag time.

9. Timeless

Mail marketing stands the test of time. Companies have used it for decades because it works. Mail is a trusted way to advertise and continues to be an incredible way to build brand recognition. Not only has it been around forever, but it allows your message to linger longer than an email. If your marketing materials catch someone’s attention, they will hang onto it, giving you far more exposure for far longer than an email buried in an inbox.

If you are ready to focus on brand recognition, mass mail is an incredible tool. Partnering with a mail professional will allow you to move your business forward in ways you may have never considered. Your mail expert will know what people need to see to form a personal connection with your brand. There are few assets a company can hold that are more valuable than a strong reputation and impeccable brand recognition.