Since email entered the scene in the 1990s, businesses have relied on it to handle a vast amount of communication. It makes sense because it is incredibly convenient, offers an inexpensive way to correspond, and is lightning fast. Because it is so easy to accomplish just about anything with a simple email, the use of physical mail declined significantly.

But the pendulum has swung, and suddenly, a letter in a mailbox means more than ever. While email makes the most sense for so many things, there is magic to be found by metering an envelope and sending it through the USPS. People’s email inboxes have become overwhelming and are often considered a burden, but a letter in their mailbox is now a novelty.

When you have a message that you want people to actually hear, send it through the mail. And you can even hire a business mailing services company to handle complex mail jobs for you. Print and mail services for businesses offer a unique opportunity to tap into the potential that mail holds without taking on the burden of the added workload.

There are a million reasons savvy business professionals are turning to mail, whether to send a handwritten card or a direct mail marketing campaign. We have compiled the top reasons it’s worth embracing mail as a part of your business’s culture.

1. It Is More Personal

Receiving a letter from a business associate in the mail speaks far louder than another email. If you are looking to make a personal connection with a business contact, mail is the way to do it. Whether you send a handwritten card, mail a newsletter to your contact list, or distribute marketing materials to potential clients and customers, mail speaks louder because it is more personal.

2. It Can Grow Your Business

There is a world of untapped potential in physical mail. Through direct mail, invoices, bulk mail, and personal letters, your business has the opportunity to step into new opportunities. Because of the nature of sending physical mail, it resonates with people far more than sending an email, which is why it holds so much potential.

3. It’s a Novelty

Emails are a dime a dozen. Many professionals show up every morning dreading their email inboxes. It is full of requests for their time, which is already running short. Mail is different. The novelty of receiving a physical piece of mail makes it stand out and will make you stand out as a result.

4. It Gets Attention

Holding a physical piece of mail will get someone’s attention. Email is easy, which is why everyone does it. But taking the time to put together a piece of mail and get it in the mailbox will allow you to stand out in the crowd.

5. It Will Be Seen

The reality is that most people’s email inboxes are chaotic. Between work correspondence, marketing email, and spam, chances are good that your email might never even catch their eye. If you want to guarantee that your message is sent and will actually be received, send it in the mail.

6. It Stands the Test of Time

Not only has mail been around forever, but it lasts longer. Yes, some mail goes straight into the recycle bin. But other pieces of mail are saved, stuck in a drawer, and remembered on a later date. With the click of a button, an email disappears forever. But mail, especially when it is personal and memorable, may stick with someone for weeks or even years to come.

7. It’s Trustworthy

People are increasingly hesitant to click on anything that comes through email. As scams become more advanced, it can be hard to differentiate between genuine and fraudulent requests. Truly important things always come through the mail because it is secure, and people trust it. Bank notices, invoices, and even correspondence with government agencies like the IRS all come through snail mail because people trust their mailboxes more than their inboxes.

If you are ready to stand out, make personal connections, and earn the trust of your customers and clients, mail is the answer. Email will always be a huge part of our lives and work culture. There is no replacing it. But as things become increasingly digital, a greater opportunity exists for professionals who understand the value of taking the time to send mail.

Print and mail services enter the scene and make it incredibly accessible for businesses like yours to embrace the power of mail. They can quickly pull off a professional quality direct mail campaign, utilize bulk mail services to send out your invoices, or send catalogs so your customers can see your latest offerings.

Partnering with a high-quality print and mail company allows you to take advantage of the power of mail without taking on any of the additional workload. They will pair their fast, efficient processes with state-of-the-art technology. As a result, you get to send professional, personalized mail that will make a statement on behalf of your company.


Send your message through the mail to ensure it’s heard. Many business professionals use mail for various reasons, such as sending handwritten cards or running direct mail marketing campaigns. Check out this infographic for the top reasons to embrace mail in your business culture.

7 Business Mailing Service Advantages Infographic