Is outsourcing your invoice print and mailing services worth it? Consider this: accounting-related statement printing, sorting, processing, direct mail campaigns, and the like are notoriously complex. It is quite common, for those businesses that insist on doing it in-house, to quickly realize it is far more time-consuming and expensive than anticipated.

For now, ignore the start-up costs of equipment, supplies, storage, and training, and just focus on the process. You are running a business and the last thing you need is for your printing and mailing to take up more time than it should. You have goods and services to sell. You have customer concerns that need a response. What you don’t need is the headache of having to deal with paper jams, broken equipment, and how far behind you’ll be if someone calls in sick.

Outsourcing print and mail services simply means handing off the production and delivery of statements, bills, invoices, letters, and other customer documents to a print management outsourcing provider. The benefits are many, including minimizing capital investments, the reduction of paper, postage, and production costs, improved cash flow, industry compliance, reducing the risk of a costly data breach, personal connection, and commitment to the success of your business, and so much more!

Streamline Your Printing And Mailing Needs

A competent print and mail service will relieve your print and mail headaches by providing everything you need to enjoy efficient service.

Envelopes are supplied, your company’s templates and formats are honored, presorting is done, and more. All of this saves you valuable time and money, including expedited delivery and discounted postage.

Not only can a printing and mailing service print and mail your documents, just about anything can be printed! This allows for extended marketing materials and an extended customer outreach.

Print And Mail Outsourcing Makes Your Company More Profitable

Don’t think you have to reduce costs? Are you on an island of profitability that means you’ve trimmed all unneeded expenses in your business? Are you so profitable that expense ratios mean nothing? Good for you! For the rest of the 99.99999% of business owners, keep in mind that a document outsourcing company reduces your risk, processing costs, postage needs, and reporting, all the while offering you full control of your company’s printing and mailing needs, combating the ever-changing compliance regulations, and protecting your valuable information.

Benefits Of Printing And Mailing Services: Lower Risk, Bigger Savings

The Benefits of Our Print to Mail ProcessThe outsourcing of your business’s print and mailing needs extends beyond cost savings, it offers more control over production, communication, efficiency, and allows for greater marketing and customer outreach opportunities. Document outsourcing, often in the forms of invoices and statements, is the cornerstone of a great printing and mailing service. Their primary function is to allow you more freedom to drive revenue by turning over non-core business functions to the experts.

Consider the benefits of outsourced print management and mailing and learn about the difference between outsourced printing vs. in-house printing.

Business Process Outsourcing

Business process outsourcing has become more prevalent with the advancement of technology. Outsourcing just about everything – from payments, to Human Resources, to statements, billing, and various forms of customer communication – has become standard operating procedure for most successful companies. Business and the way businesses communicate with their customers and employees is changing. Let’s take a closer look at business process outsourcing.

Business process outsourcing, commonly referred to as BPO, is when a company sends particular functions and processes to a third-party provider, with printing and mailing services being the most common process. There are several other types of BPO services, the most common being payroll, HR, accounting, and even customer service outsourcing – like call centers.

The primary advantage a BPO provider brings to the table is it allows a company more flexibility and the ability to focus on more important aspects of their business. Print and mail outsourcing is one of the most utilized BPO services.

Where You Benefit Most From Print Management Services

Outsourcing your customer communications is a proven strategy that helps you reduce risk and avoid costs in a number of key business areas:

Equipment Purchases: When dealing with the printing and mailing of various documents like invoices and statements, imaging and inserting equipment is a major investment that is accompanied with large maintenance expenses. A proper printing and mailing service will utilize the best industry equipment to ensure that you are allowed to take advantage of new and emerging technologies with no capital investment of your own.

Payroll: Cost-reduction initiatives typically start with reduction of force – or the laying off of employees. Since printing and mailing services are labor-intensive, you can avoid that problem by outsourcing this process and avoiding this inevitable pitfall altogether.

Overtime Expenses: When print and mail services are outsourced, there won’t be any overtime costs, and any production or scheduling crunches become the document outsourcing company’s problem. Many managed print services outsourcers run two or three shifts during peak times or, sometimes, 24 hours a day!

Inventory Management: Inventory storage and management add to your overhead. Outsourcing with a print and mail service allows you to free up floor space for your core business functions. Many print and mail services allow you to maintain control of your inventory online.

Energy Costs: Printing and mailing equipment is energy-intensive, as are the backup systems needed to operate them properly. There are a lot of moving parts (literally) involved in maintaining a capable print outsourcing service. By outsourcing this process to the pros, you save valuable overhead costs in the form of energy reduction.

Print and Mail Supplies: The management of supplies such as ink, oil, and toner become the responsibility of the outsourcer. When you outsource customer document production to a print and mail service, your costs no longer vary based on these consumables.

Postage: Although certain production costs vary by job, a quality print and mail service will help clients maximize savings through multiple levels of presort automation. Outsourcing print production can help you leverage multiple levels of presort automation. Through bulk purchasing and space-saving printing options like duplex printing, the price of postage can be minimized.

And more: An added bonus of outsourcing the print and mail service portion of your business to a professional is the fact that you are now afforded options. A great print outsource company will have the expertise and skill set needed to offer tips and advice to particular aspects of your business. A great print and mail service should be more than a contractor, they should be a partner.

Who Uses Printing And Mailing Services?

Small, Medium, National, and International Businesses that’s who!

No matter the size of the business, all businesses need to process payables, collect receivable, and keep current and prospective customers informed of new products and services. Outsourcing your printing and mailing services can help you get paid faster by streamlining your invoicing process and making it easier for your customers to pay you.

A print and mail service can also help you market your company with a targeted direct mail campaign, helping your business reach its ultimate potential.

Banks and Credit Unions

Banking has improved through the years due to the options customers now have. For example, small regional banks and credit unions are able to take control of their own branches and choose services that work for them. Since they are not bound by corporate control, many choose to outsource their printing and mailing and are able to pass the savings on to their customers and employees through a better interest rate, free checking, and better pay.

Medical and Dental

Many changes have taken place in Healthcare in the past few years and it looks as though there are many more to come. Invoicing and statement mailing are vital components of the medical and dental fields, ensuring customers’ patients have the information needed to make the best decisions and to pay on time.

Outsourcing your printing and mailing needs ensures your office runs at peak efficiency and the proper statements and invoices are mailed out as effectively and as efficiently as possible.

Cities, Counties, Property Owner Associations

Government offices are some of the largest producers of printed mail pieces in the country! If you are a local, state, or even Federal government, outsourcing your printing and mailing needs offers you the opportunity to represent your customers and constituents in the most affordable manner.

If you represent a homeowner or property owner association, the need to send out notices, flyers, statements, bills, invoices, etc., seem to be never-ending! By choosing the right print and mail service, you can rest easy knowing that this portion of your business is well handled.

Towne Mailer

For nearly twenty years, the team at Towne Mailer has been dedicated to offering the best professional printing and mailing services to clients across the country and beyond.

Our process is simple. We focus on quality, efficiency, and most importantly, customer care. Good business begins and ends with good communication. We understand the importance of clear, fast, and economical correspondence with your customers.

No matter your business, we encourage you to reach out to us. We welcome the opportunity to serve and look forward to finding economical, common-sense solutions that benefit you and your business.

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