Statement Printing and Mailing for Utility Companies

Towne Mailer offers outsourcing of statement printing and mailing services for utility companies. Instead of creating the documents and preparing them for mail yourself, you can delegate this task to us. It sounds simple because it is. Let us show you why hiring us to create and send your monthly statements is beneficial to your company. We will also show you the process you can expect if you choose to work with us and let you know of additional services we typically provide for utility companies.

Why Towne Mailer?

When your business depends on communicating with your clientele, mailings are very important. You won’t receive payment if you don’t have consistent and clear communication with your clients.

At Towne Mailer, we take that responsibility seriously. Each utility statement or late notice is crafted with care and attention. We work hard to make our statements not just aesthetically pleasing but also clear and easy to read.

By outsourcing your printing and mailing services, you can save your internal resources for better use. Our customers find that when they outsource to us, they save:

  • Time
  • Money
  • Energy
  • Resources
Statement Printing and Mailing for Utility Companies

The amount of time it takes to keep your digital records up-to-date is all the time we need from you to complete all your bill printing and mailing services. We integrate your information safely and securely into our system so we can quickly get your statements out in the mail.

We have spent many years honing the craft of statement printing and mailing. We have the equipment and expertise to make this a smooth process for both of us.

The Printing and Mailing Process

What does it look like when you hire us to take over the statement printing and mailing for your utility companies? Let’s break it down.

You Send the Data

Whatever system or program you use to track your customers’ information, we can likely incorporate it. You send us the data and then sit back and relax because that’s all you need to do.

Statement Printing and Mailing for Utility Companies

We have many safeguards in place to keep confidential information private and safe. From firewalls and encryptions to a physical locked-up location where the offline server is stored, we take the responsibility of security seriously. In the many years we have been running this business, we have never had a single data breach.

You can send data at your convenience. Some clients upload it weekly, others do it on a monthly basis. We’ll honor your preference. Communicate your needs to us, and we will make it happen.

We Print the Mail

We create a layout for your statements that is easy for your customers to read and understand. With many steps of quality control in place, we print the statements generated from the data you provide. We check the statements for quality and accuracy. We find any bad addresses and take care of them.

We Fold and Sort the Mail

Each statement is folded and placed in an envelope to prepare it for its journey to your customer’s mailbox. Any necessary postage is applied.

Statement Printing and Mailing for Utility Companies
Statement Printing and Mailing for Utility Companies

We Mail Your Statements

We send off your addressed statements to their final destinations. This all takes place within 24 hours of when you first share your data with us.

We Generate Follow-Up Reports

You will receive a report that details the documents we sent out. You will be able to see the data from your side, so you don’t need to wonder if everything made it through.

Your Customers Receive Mail

The statements end up in the hands of your customers so they can pay their balances promptly.

We make it simple for you to get your statements to your customers.

Saving You Time and Resources

Without specialized equipment that minimizes the time it takes to create these statements, printing, folding, addressing, and delivering each individual statement can be a time-consuming process. Performing all those duties in-house can put a strain on your employees’ time.

When you have a constant stream of statements, you can’t fall behind due to a work holiday or a sick employee. If you let the flow of your statements rest on the consistency of just one or two employees, you’ll find yourself in a precarious position.

Alternatively, when you outsource your invoice print and mailing services to Towne Mailer, you don’t have to worry about any lags in your statement production. We will get the job done in a timely manner.

Your staff will not be weighed down by the menial tasks of printing, quality checking, and mailing. You don’t have to rush trying to get to the post office before it closes to reach your own deadline. Instead, you can have your employees focus on the specialized tasks they are trained to complete.

Printing and mailing by yourself can also become a strain on your resources. Paper, ink, envelopes, a reliable printer, and stamps can quickly add up. If you send your statements through us, you don’t need to worry about the timeliness of your statements if your envelopes run out or your printer dies.

Many of our clients find that the cost of all the necessary equipment, resources, and manpower for in-house printing and mailing is comparable to the cost of outsourcing the printing to us, if not less.

The cost of relieving the mental load of all the tasks, however, is invaluable. No more checking on supplies to make sure they are in stock, following up with employees about their folding times, or trying to work with a finicky printer. You won’t have to worry about anything other than syncing your data with us each month. We will handle the rest.

Statement Printing and Mailing for Utility Companies

Additional Mailings

Not only do we offer statement printing and mailing for utility companies, but we also find that utility companies benefit from using us for other mailings, including:

  • Utility late payment notices
  • Receipts for utility payments
  • City newsletters
  • Company notifications or announcements
  • Utility cancelation notices
  • Promotional flyers
  • New customer welcome letters
  • Company news
  • Utility shut-off notices

These additional notices can be added to any of your monthly statements. Communicate with us, and we will be happy to help you get the papers you need to the right places.

Always Happy to Help You

At Towne Mailer, we take great pride in our customer service. We promise that you will never be put on the phone with an automated answering system. You will always be connected to a human who can help answer any questions that you may have. If you have any questions about the process of letting us help you with your utility statements, do not hesitate to reach out.

We know that your business relies on the timely delivery of your utility bills and invoices. We want to see your business succeed. We care about the fast and accurate processing of your statements as much as you do. When you succeed, we succeed.

Whether your utilities are gas, water, or electricity, Towne Mailer can effortlessly deliver your statements to your customers. Let us take care of your statement printing and mailing, so you can take care of everything else you do.

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