Statement Printing and Mailing for Billing and Statement Agencies

As a billing and statement agency yourself, you are familiar with the tedious process of printing and sending statements. But what if you were able to focus on all the other aspects of your business instead of the printing and mailing portion? By choosing to partner with us at Towne Mailer, you can outsource those time-consuming tasks involved in printing and mailing and instead focus on your other responsibilities. Let us show you how working together can be beneficial for you and even increase the cash flow of your company.

How Towne Mailer Can Help You

As a billing and statement agency, you are uniquely positioned to benefit from outsourcing the printing and mailing portion of your business to us. Here are some of the reasons businesses like yours turn to us for their bill printing and mailing service needs.

Unlimited Growth

Outsourcing statement printing and mailing for billing and statement agencies to Towne Mailer allows you to scale your business. You can bring on more clients and let us absorb your growing pains. Instead of being restrained by the space at your office or the number of hours your employees can dedicate to mailings, you can continue to expand your business.

We service all 50 states, which opens up the possibility of you doing the same.

Statement Printing and Mailing for Billing and Statement Agencies

Valuable Savings

The costs of completing bill printing and mailing services in-house can become higher than if you outsource them. To do it yourself, you have to factor in prices for the ink, paper, envelopes, printer, electricity, and labor to oversee and complete each step.

At our facilities, we have top-of-the-line equipment to streamline the entire process. Because we already have the equipment to handle your jobs, we can pass along those savings to you. When our clients crunch the numbers on the actual amount they spend trying to create their own print and mail assembly line, they often realize it costs less to have us do the heavy lifting for them.

Quality Products

We know that the mailings your customers receive from you represent your brand, so we do our best to represent you well. We create high-quality, legible statements that are clearly marked for easy reading.

You can help us design a finished product that reflects your business, whether that is to incorporate your logo, a monthly message, or other personalization. You don’t have to wonder about the final outcome of the design we collaborate on. We can send you a sample for review before we print.

We also know the importance of quality control. We check all our work to ensure that any mistakes are caught and corrected. Our clients report finding fewer errors than when they were completing the work themselves.

Fast Turnaround

Within 24 hours of receiving your data, we can have your statements in the mail. Depending on the time of day we receive it, we can potentially have it in the mail that same day.

When you call us for a quote, we can usually get you one immediately (or within just a few hours of your request). We strive for efficiency in everything we do.

Statement Printing and Mailing for Billing and Statement Agencies

Productivity Levels

Your company’s productivity can increase once you outsource printing and mailing. Your employees are left to complete the tasks they are more suited for than the menial tasks of placing stamps on envelopes. And the decrease in the number of office-wide paper cuts doesn’t hurt your productivity numbers, either.

We specialize in printing and mailing, so we are fast and efficient at it. This allows you and your employees to focus on your primary responsibilities. When you choose Towne Mailer for your statement printing and mailing for billing and statement agencies, you can plan for increased productivity for all of your employees previously involved in the process.

How to be Paid Faster

You rely on your customers to pay bills and statements promptly. When you outsource the printing and mailing of those bills to us, we can help you get paid faster. Faster payment means a better cash flow for your business.

We have found that statements can make a huge difference in the timeliness of payments. Here are three factors that determine when you’ll be paid:

Timely Statements

When your statement arrives in the customer’s mailbox within a reasonable amount of time, they are more likely to pay it. For medical statements, the sooner the patient receives it post-procedure, the better. For monthly billing statements, consistency is key as your clients likely clock the pattern of the statement’s arrival with their own paychecks.

Bills or statements received much later seem less pressing to the customer. Those are the ones that often fall through the cracks.

Our statements are out the door within 24 hours of your sending the data. We can quickly accommodate thousands of statements with minimal time spent by you.

Statement Printing and Mailing for Billing and Statement Agencies
Statement Printing and Mailing for Billing and Statement Agencies

Readable Statements

If the customer can’t clearly see what they owe, they will be less likely to pay it. The bills and invoices we craft are all clearly labeled so the customer knows what is expected of them immediately.

When the statement also shows the acceptable payment forms clearly, the customer will be more likely to follow through with paying sooner.

The due date should also stand out. Be firm and direct about what date you expect payment by.

Friendly Statements

While there isn’t always a friendly way to say, “You owe us a lot of money,” there are definitely unfriendly ways to do it. Be sure that your statements are kind and appreciative of the customer’s business. Your tone in the statements will leave an impression on the customer and influence when they decide to pay.

Be direct, kind, and gracious, and you will attract future business.

What We Send

Our services are not limited to bills and invoices. We offer our clients a wide range of printed goods. If you need it printed and mailed, there’s a great chance we can work together to make it happen.

Some of our clients send the following:

  • Flyers
  • Newsletters
  • Late payment notices
  • Advertisements
  • Receipts
  • Invoices

In addition to statements, we also offer bulk mailing and direct mail services.

Where Do I Sign Up?

If you are interested in taking advantage of the low cost and low maintenance partnership with Towne Mailer, reach out. We can talk about the needs of your company and what invoice mailing services will be most beneficial to you. We can also discuss the price point you are looking at. You will have a quote within hours of speaking with a representative of Towne Mailer.

You can reach us by phone or through our online form, and a customer service representative will reach out to you as soon as possible. We look forward to doing business with you.

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